Datuk Marijan is a cenayang, shaman, psychic, Paranormal. has many advantages regarding the unseen world, he is able to communicate with jinn and spirits ("unseen").
Datuk Marijan has long been a shaman, magician, psychic, cenayang, many are indebted to him for helping solve their problems, such as problems: love, magic disorders, loss of property, bad luck, financial problems and some even ask for lottery numbers.
Datuk Marijan is domiciled in Indonesia to be precise in Addres Jalan Gunung Aji RT 3 DESA/KELURAHAN MELAK ULU, KEC. MELAK , KAB. KUTAI BARAT . PROVINSI KALIMANTAN TIMUR INDONESIA Born on the 4th of the 12th month in 1982. Married to Febrianti, an Indonesian citizen born on the 23rd of the 02nd month in 1989. And currently has 2 children named Feby and Jhon.
Datuk Marijan was very famous, many said that Datuk Marijan had magical powers, was able to magically bring in money, was able to lure women into falling in love with people who asked him for help, was able to return his partner after a fight. , capable of injuring enemies, magically killing enemies, and so on.